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Bradbury Roadway Widening Project

Grow Monrovia

Updated: Apr 10, 2024

Update 4/11/24

Dear Community Members,

We are deeply grateful for your support in our fight to preserve the oak woodlands area on Wildrose, and to lessen the impact of the Bradbury Road Widening Project on the community. Your generosity, participation, and dedication have been crucial in achieving a significant milestone in this battle.

We are thrilled to announce that we have reached a settlement agreement with the City of Bradbury, effectively resolving all claims related to the Project and our lawsuit (Los Angeles County Superior Court Case No. 23STCP00128). This Agreement, signed on March 18, 2024, marks a pivotal moment in our journey to protect our community and its natural habitats.

The Settlement Agreement ensures the preservation of the wildlife corridor and oak woodland threatened by the proposed road widening. Through collaborative efforts, we have secured commitments from the City of Bradbury to address our

concerns and uphold our environment's integrity.

Key details of the settlement include:

•  Preservation of the trees, including oak trees, along the Wildrose oak woodland area. The beautiful Canopy overhanging Wildrose will stay intact

• .Enforcement mechanisms have been put in place to addresspotential disputes and safeguard the Agreement's integrity

• Specific measures addressing community concerns:                    

-Idling cars on Bradbury Road before 7 a.m.                                

-Create additional signage and notices to enforce no parking in project area

-Ensure the Wildrose bridge weight limit is being enforced.                                                 -Significant reduction in the height and width of the proposed wall                                    -Commitments to address flooding issues related to stormwater draining off Deodar Lane and the Bradbury Estates.

This victory was made possible by your support and collective action. Each contribution, big or small, has played a vital role in our success. Together, we have demonstrated the power of community unity and grassroots activism in preserving our community’s unique character and vital wildlife habitat.

As we celebrate this milestone, let us reaffirm our commitment to environmental stewardship and the protection of our natural spaces. Let us continue to stand together in safeguarding our community's interests and advocating for sustainable development practices.

Join our team- If you’d like to join our committee that will focus on preserving, protecting and growing vital habitat within our community email us at!

With sincere gratitude,

Grow Monrovia Team

Join our celebration on April 28th!

Help us defend this wildlife corridor and oak woodland frequented by bear and other wildlife by contributing to our legal fees below!

Bradbury approved the road widening. join us in opposing the Bradbury Road Widening Project to protect a cherished part of our community that can never be replaced. You can do so by joining us with a generous contribution in any amount to our grassroots effort to take legal steps to stop this project. Help preserve the beauty of our community and curb the overdevelopment of our natural areas.

Property History: In 2016 Monrovia City Council agreed to annex the parcels involved in the Bradbury Rd Widening Project to Bradbury. At the August 2, 2016 City Council meeting, City Council asked that Bradbury agree to refrain from developing the annexed property as part of the agreement. Monrovia city attorney recommended to enforce an easement to protect the area from being developed. The 2 stipulations were requested to be included in the agreement with Bradbury before approval. The concern was that if the area was ever developed it would impact Monrovia residents living across the street from the parcels. The agreement was put together by city staff without the above stipulations. Bradbury recently approved the development of the property annexed from Monrovia which will lead to the destruction of a wildlife corridor, destruction of a protected oak woodland, remove the canopy that makes up one of very few shaded streets in East Monrovia and create an eye sore for Monrovia residents.

Council Meeting Aug 2, 2016 at 2:10 :

Letter of Support to Bradbury September 6, 2016:

Project Overview: On Tuesday, November 15, 2022 the City of Bradbury City Council will decide whether to approve the Bradbury Roadway Widening Project. The proposed Project would widen the existing Bradbury Road roadway from 24 feet to 36 feet providing one 18-foot lane in each direction. The road widening would extend beyond the north side of the existing roadway limits of Wildrose Avenue and beyond the east side of the existing roadway limits of Bradbury Road. Substantial grading would be required along the slope to the north of Wildrose Avenue. Several oak trees would be removed as part of grading activity. A permanent retaining wall would be constructed between the roadway and the newly graded area. The retaining wall would be approximately 320 feet in length and would range from 5 to 13 feet in height above the top of the slope top of the Bradbury Road curb elevation. The Project would include removal of 270 linear feet of existing berm, 390 linear feet of existing hedge, and up to 46 trees (Many of which are oak trees).

(Take Action)

Email (copy all below):

Monrovia City Manager and City Council

Bradbury City Manager

CC us on your emails so we can compile comments regarding this project.

Show up to Bradbury City Council Meeting :

TBA : 600 Winston Ave, Bradbury, Ca

Public Comments

More comments can be found by clicking on the links above.

Please comment below with feedback.

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Grow Monrovia is a resident fueled non-profit organization. Grow Monrovia has been established to be a vehicle for change for the betterment of the community of Monrovia. Join us!


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